Have suppliers come to you—save time, money, and find the best deals in a competitive environment.
And earn new revenue while doing it.
Find the best quality & prices possible from millions of D&B-screened suppliers competing to fill your orders.
Exercise granular control over which types of companies you solicit proposals from, allowing you to get your RFPs in front of all the right suppliers – every time.
Generate new revenue for your company – reduce your costs and enhance profits.
How does it work?
Find the best vendors to fill your procurement needs by reaching more potential suppliers than ever before possible, and allow prospective vendors that are serious to compensate your company to listen to their 10-minute pitch.
How much money can your company earn back per RFP on Vintro’s Procurement Marketplace?
Vintro® recommends you set the price to pitch you for a given RFP at the square root of the order size. If the order size is $1 000 000, the price per 10-minute pitch should be $1 000.

“We aim to recoup about 2% of our $10 billion annual spend by using Vintro’s Procurement Marketplace. That’s $200 million in additional revenue to our bottom line – $5 billion in additional market cap with our PE ratio. All while finding better deals in a competitive environment.”
Chief Procurement Officer
NYSE Listed Company, New York